Home Birdwatching www.jirislama.com | Birdwatching 18.4.2009 Táborsko (CR)

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lyskonoh úzkozobý, samice / Red-necked Phalarope, female (Phalaropus lobatus)

lyskonoh úzkozobý, samice / Red-necked Phalarope, female (Phalaropus lobatus)

lyskonoh úzkozobý, samice / Red-necked Phalarope, female (Phalaropus lobatus)

lyskonoh úzkozobý, samice / Red-necked Phalarope, female (Phalaropus lobatus)

lyskonoh úzkozobý, samice / Red-necked Phalarope, female (Phalaropus lobatus)

lyskonoh úzkozobý, samice / Red-necked Phalarope, female (Phalaropus lobatus)

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18.4.2009 Táborsko (CR)

Very interesting day again in spite of quite poor start - beginning around noon together with strong winds did not produce much interesting stuff, only two flock of Jackdaws and Rooks on the way back home.

It was much better back home in Košín - today was in sign of raptors - first the Marsh Herrier heading SW and later today two White-tailed Eagles observed for the first time here! They were sitting on top of spruce but after a white they were attacked by Common Buzzard - both have left after ca. 5 minutes heading north. The pair of Long-tailed Tit observed 15.4. has almost finished building their nest on the branch of larch tree some 4 meters above the ground. I have not checked the nest of Eagle Owl as I would have to come as close as 2 meters so I did not want to disturb the bird now during hatching, I hope to hear three little Owls soon...


Datum / Date

Místo / Place Druh Species

Počet /


mapa / map


-------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

Košín u Tábora


Moták pochop
Marsh Harrier
1 ♂




Košín u Tábora


Orel mořský
White-tailed Eagle
2 ad.




Košín u Tábora


Mlynařík dlouhoocasý Long-tailed Tit 1 p., building nest



----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------


ostatní běžně pozorované druhy / other common observed species:

Poštolka obecná / Eurasian Kestrel - 1 ex.

Káně lesní / Common Buzzard - 2 ex.

Vlaštovka obecná / Barn Swallow - 4 ex.

Skřivan polní / Skylark - ca. 3 ex.

Strnad obecný / Yellowhammer - X ex.

Pěnice černohlavá / Blackcap - X-X0 ex.

Budníček menší / Chiffchaff - X-X0 ex., call

Pěnkava obecná / Chaffinch - X-X0 ex.

Rehek domácí / Black Redstart - X ex.

Špaček obecný / Starling - ca 5 ex.

Červenka obecná / Robin - X ex.

Sojka obecná / Eurasian Jay - ca. 5 ex.


Record shots (lens 500mm + TC 1.4x + TC 2.0x), distance ca. 500m:

Orel mořský / White-tailed Eagle, Košín u Tábora Orel mořský atakovaný Kání lesní, Košín u Tábora Orel mořský atakovaný Kání lesní, Košín u TáboraOrel mořský atakovaný Kání lesní, Košín u Tábora

Last Updated on Friday, 03 July 2009 17:02